Protecting children from further abuse begins with reporting!

Crying for HelpIf a child or youth tells you he/she has been abused—or if you suspect a child is being abused—it is VERY important for you to protect that child by making a report.  Remember…

  • All callers remain anonymous
  • Even if the report turns out to be unfounded, the reporter is not in trouble and cannot lose his/her employment if he/she had the child’s best interests in mind at the time the report was made.

Reports of suspected or known child abuse or neglect should be made to
~ 844-264-5437

In an emergency—call local law enforcement at 911.

Additional Resources:

OrganizationHoursPhone Number
National Parent Hotline
A resource for parents to get emotional support from a trained Advocate and helps them to become an empowered and stronger parent.
M - F, 10 AM PST to 7 PM PST 1-855-4A PARENT 1-855-427-2736


“Too often children are subjected to physical abuse, sexual abuse, or witness the most horrific situations their family goes through. The abuse not only effects the child immediately, but there are long lasting effects the child will sustain if not properly addressed and managed. The Dolphin House is a part of and plays a vital role in the multi-disciplinary team to help begin this process of healing and stabilization from beginning to end with these children. The high level of competence, resources, and care the members of the Dolphin House have enables better quality and comprehensive services received by the child and their family. Without the Dolphin House, we could not effectively and efficiently investigate, intervene, and prosecute these very fragile and complex cases. The Dolphin House is the glue that holds everything together and can also arguably be the heart of a case.”

Montrose Police Department Detective Mark Trimble

Here to help in the office are:

Michelle Gottlieb Executive Director
Karin Pittman Office Manager / Victim Services Assistant
Jennifer Alton Victim Services Coordinator
Madeline White Mental Health Coordinator
Jenny Franklin Forensic Interviewer
Erin Carroll Forensic interviewer
Jennifer Eckerman Sex Assault Nurse Examiner(SANE) Coordinator
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